Document Type : Original Research Manuscripts


University of Jember



Purpose: This study aims to assess the validity of blended learning model assisted by quizwhizzer game on physics learning motivation of vocational students.
Methods: The research method used in this study is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation.
Findings: The application of blended learning model assisted by quizwhizzer media to students' physics learning motivation can be seen that the number of students in the high category is 14 students, the medium category is 32 students, and the low category is 24 students. The results of the questionnaire analysis of students' physics learning motivation obtained data on students with high learning motivation categories as much as 20%, students with moderate learning motivation categories as much as 45.7%, and students with high learning motivation categories as much as 34.3%.
Conclusion: From the results of this study obtained data on physics learning motivation of students of SMK Negeri 1 Jember which is classified in the moderate category with the largest ARSC aspect in the aspect of relevance with a percentage of 75.70% and the smallest ARSC aspect in the aspect of attention with a percentage of 50%. From each aspect of ARSC, it can be explained that the attention aspect obtained is 50%, the relevance aspect obtained is 75.70%, the confidence aspect obtained is 54.30%, and the satisfaction aspect obtained is 64.30%.


Main Subjects